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Xbox Avatar accessories for People with Diabetes! Sponsored by Nightscout and Konsole Kingz


My Xbox user name is Glucose for a reason.

This is a passion project of mine. You've likely seen me blog about diabetes for many many years. You may have enjoyed my diabetes hacks like lighting up my keyboard keys to show me my blood sugar, or some of the early work Ben West and I did to bridge Dexcom's cloud with the NightScout open source diabetes management system.

Recently Xbox announced new avatars! They look amazing and the launch was great. They now have avatars in wheelchairs, ones with artificial limbs, and a wide variety of hair and skin tones. This is fantastic as it allows kids (and adults!) to be seen and be represented in their medium of choice, video games.

I was stoked and immediately searched the store for "diabetes." No results. No pumps, sensors, emotes, needles, nothing. So I decided to fix it.

NOW AVAILABLE: Go and buy the Nightscout Diabetes CGM avatar on the Xbox Store now!

I called two friends - my friends at the Nightscout Foundation, dedicated to open source and open data for people with diabetes, as well as my friends at Konsole Kingz, digital avatar creators extraordinaire with over 200 items in the Xbox store from kicks to jerseys and tattoos.

And we did it! We've added our first diabetes avatar top with some clever coding from Konsole Kingz, it is categorized as a top but gives your avatar not only a Nightscout T-Shirt with your choice of colors, but also a CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) on your arm!

Miss USA has a CGMFor most diabetics, CGMs are the hardware implants we put in weekly to tell us our blood sugar with minimal finger sticks. They are the most outwardly obvious physical manifestation of our diabetes and we're constantly asked about them. In 2017, Miss USA contestant Krista Ferguson made news by showing her CGM rather than hiding it. This kind of visible representation matters to kids with diabetes - it tells them (and us) that we're OK.

You can find the Nightscout CGM accessory in a nuimber of ways. You can get it online at the Xbox Avatar shop, and when you've bought it, it'll be in the Purchased Tab of the Xbox Avatar Editor, under Closet | Tops.

You can even edit your Xbox Avatar on Windows 10 without an Xbox! Go pick up the Xbox Avatar Editor and install it (on both your PC and Xbox if you like) and you can experiment with shirt and logo color as well.

Consider this a beta release. We are working on improving resolution and quality, but what we really what to know is this - Do you want more Diabetes Xbox Avatar accessories? Insulin pumps on your belt? An emote to check your blood sugar with a finger stick?

Diabetes CGM on an Xbox avatar

If this idea is a good one and is as special to you and your family (and the gamers in your life with diabetes) please SHARE it. Share it on social media, tell your friends at the news. Profits from this avatar item will go to the Nightscout Foundation!

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?


I've blogged a little about Blazor, showing examples like Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor then Debugging .NET Source with Remote Debugging in Chrome DevTools as well as very early on asking questions like .NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?

Let's back up and level-set.

What is Blazor?

Blazor is a single-page app framework for building interactive client-side Web apps with .NET. Blazor uses open web standards without plugins or code transpilation. Blazor works in all modern web browsers, including mobile browsers.

You write C# in case of JavaScript, and you can use most of the .NET ecosystem of open source libraries. For the most part, if it's .NET Standard, it'll run in the browser. (Of course if you called a Windows API or a Linux specific API and it didn't exist in the client-side browser S world, it's not gonna work, but you get the idea).

The .NET code runs inside the context of WebAssembly. You're running "a .NET" inside your browser on the client-side with no plugins, no Silverlight, Java, Flash, just open web standards.

WebAssembly is a compact bytecode format optimized for fast download and maximum execution speed.

Here's a great diagram from the Blazor docs.

Blazor runs inside your browser, no plugins needed

Here's where it could get a little confusing. Blazor is the client-side hosting model for Razor Components. I can write Razor Components. I can host them on the server or host them on the client with Blazor.

You may have written Razor in the past in .cshtml files, or more recently in .razor files. You can create and share components using Razor - which is a mix of standard C# and standard HTML, and you can host these Razor Components on either the client or the server.

In this diagram from the docs you can see that the Razor Components are running on the Server and SignalR (over Web Sockets, etc) is remoting them and updating the DOM on the client. This doesn't require Web Assembly on the client, the .NET code runs in the .NET Core CLR (Common Language Runtime) and has full compatibility - you can do anything you'd like as you are not longer limited by the browser's sandbox.

Here's Razor Components running on the server

Per the docs:

Razor Components decouples component rendering logic from how UI updates are applied. ASP.NET Core Razor Components in .NET Core 3.0 adds support for hosting Razor Components on the server in an ASP.NET Core app. UI updates are handled over a SignalR connection.

Here's the canonical "click a button update some HTML" example.

@page "/counter"


<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="@IncrementCount">Click me</button>

@functions {
int currentCount = 0;

void IncrementCount()

You can see this running entirely in the browser, with the C# .NET code running on the client side. .NET DLLs (assemblies) are downloaded and executed by the CLR that's been compiled into WASM and running entirely in the context of the browser.

Note also that I'm stopped at a BREAKPOINT in C# code, except the code is running in the browser and mapped back into JS/WASM world.

Debugging Razor Components on the Client Side

But if I host my app on the server as hosted Razor Components, the C# code runs entirely on the Server-side and the client-side DOM is updated over a SignalR link. Here I've clicked the button on the client side and hit the breakpoint on the server-side in Visual Studio. No there's no POST and no POST-back. This isn't WebForms - It's Razor Components. It's a SPA app written in C#, not JavaScript, and I can change the locations of the running logic, while the UI remains always standard HTML and CSS.

Debugging Razor Components on the Server Side

It's a pretty exciting time on the open web. There's a lot of great work happening in this space and I'm very interesting to see how frameworks like Razor Components/Blazor and Phoenix LiveView change (or don't) how we write apps for the web.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry


It's super easy to get started with .NET Core and/or ASP.NET Core with Docker. If you have Docker installed you don't need to install anything to try out .NET Core, of course.

To run a little .NET Core console app:

docker run --rm mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/samples:dotnetapp

And the result:

latest: Pulling from dotnet/core/samples

Hello from .NET Core!

Platform: .NET Core
OS: Linux 4.9.125-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri Sep 7 08:20:28 UTC 2018

To run a quick little ASP.NET Core website just:

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:80 --name aspnetcore_sample mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/samples:aspnetapp

And here it is running on localhost:8000

Simple ASP.NET Core app under Docker

You can also host ASP.NET Core Images with Docker over HTTPS to with this image, or run ASP.NET Core apps in Windows Containers.

Note that Microsoft teams are now publishing container images to the MCR (Microsoft Container Registry) so they can use the Azure CDN and pull faster when they are closer to you globally. The images start at MCR and then can be syndicated to other container registries.

The new repos follow:

When you "docker pull" you can use tag strings for .NET Core and it works across any supported .NET Core version

  • SDK: docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.1
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime: docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:2.1
  • .NET Core Runtime: docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/runtime:2.1
  • .NET Core Runtime Dependencies: docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/runtime-deps:2.1

For example, I can run the .NET Core 3.0 SDK and mess around with it like this:

docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.0 

I've been using Docker to run my unit tests on my podcast site within a container locally. Then I volume mount and dump the test results out in a local folder and inspect them with Visual Studio

docker build --pull --target testrunner -t podcast:test .

docker run --rm -v c:\github\hanselminutes-core\TestResults:/app/hanselminutes.core.tests/TestResults podcast:test

I can then either host the Docker container in Azure App Service for Containers, or as little one-off per-second billed instances with Azure Container Instances (ACI).

Have you been using .NET Core in Docker? How has it been going for you?

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

F7 is the greatest PowerShell hotkey that no one uses any more. We must fix this.


Thousands of years ago your ancestors, and myself, were using DOS (or CMD) pressing F7 to get this amazing little ASCII box to pop up to pick commands they'd typed before.

Holy crap it's a little ASCII box

When I find myself in cmd.exe I use F7 a lot. Yes, I also speak *nix and Yes, Ctrl-R is amazing and lovely and you're awesome for knowing it and Yes, it works in PowerShell.

Ctrl-R for history works in PowerShell

Here's the tragedy. Ctrl-R for a reverse command search works in PowerShell because of a module called PSReadLine. PSReadLine is basically a part of PowerShell now and does dozens of countless little command line editing improvements. It also - not sure why and I'm still learning - unknowingly blocks the glorious F7 hotkey.

If you remove PSReadLine (you can do this safely, it'll just apply to the current session)

Remove-Module -Name PSReadLine

Why, then you get F7 history with a magical ASCII box back in PowerShell. And as we all know, 4k 3D VR be damned, impress me with ASCII if you want a developer's heart.

There is a StackOverflow Answer with a little PowerShell snippet that will popup - wait for it - a graphical list with your command history by calling

Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key F7

And basically rebinding the PSReadlineKeyHandler for F7. PSReadline is brilliant, but I what I really want to do is to tell it to "chill" on F7. I don't want to bind or unbind F7 (it's not bound by default) I just want it passed through.

Until that day, I, and you, can just press Ctrl-R for our reverse history search, or get this sad shadow of an ASCII box by pressing "h." Yes, h is already aliased on your machine to Get-History.

PS C:\Users\scott> h

  Id CommandLine
   -- -----------
    1 dir
    2 Remove-Module -Name PSReadLine

Then you can even type "r 1" to "invoke-history" on item 1.

But I will still mourn my lovely ASCII (High ASCII? ANSI? VT100?) history box.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Displaying your realtime Blood Glucose from NightScout on an AdaFruit PyPortal


file-2AdaFruit makes an adorable tiny little Circuit Python IoT device called the PyPortal that's just about perfect for the kids - and me. It a little dakBoard, if you will - a tiny totally programmable display with Wi-Fi and  lots of possibilities and sensors. Even better, you can just plug it in over USB and edit the code.py file directly on the drive that will appear. When you save code.py the device soft reboots and runs your code.

I've been using Visual Studio Code to program Circuit Python and it's become my most favorite IoT experience so far because it's just so easy. The "Developer's Inner Loop" of code, deploy, debug is so fast.

As you may know, I use a Dexcom CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) to manage my Type 1 Diabetes. I feed the data every 5 minutes into an instance of the Nightscout Open Source software hosted in Azure. That gives me a REST API to my own body.

I use that REST API to make "glanceable displays" where I - or my family - can see my blood sugar quickly and easily.

I put my blood sugar in places like:

And today, on a tiny PyPortal device. The code is simple, noting that I don't speak Python, so Pull Requests are always appreciated.

import time

import board
from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal

# Set up where we'll be fetching data from
DATA_SOURCE = "https://NIGHTSCOUTWEBSITE/api/v1/entries.json?count=1"
BG_VALUE = [0, 'sgv']
BG_DIRECTION = [0, 'direction']

RED = 0xFF0000;
ORANGE = 0xFFA500;
GREEN = 0x00FF00;

def get_bg_color(val):
if val > 200:
return RED
elif val > 150:
return YELLOW
elif val < 60:
return RED
elif val < 80:
return ORANGE
return GREEN

def text_transform_bg(val):
return str(val) + ' mg/dl'

def text_transform_direction(val):
if val == "Flat":
return "→"
if val == "SingleUp":
return "↑"
if val == "DoubleUp":
return "↑↑"
if val == "DoubleDown":
return "↓↓"
if val == "SingleDown":
return "↓"
if val == "FortyFiveDown":
return "→↓"
if val == "FortyFiveUp":
return "→↑"
return val

# the current working directory (where this file is)
cwd = ("/"+__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0]
pyportal = PyPortal(url=DATA_SOURCE,
text_position=((90, 120), # VALUE location
(140, 160)), # DIRECTION location
text_color=(0x000000, # sugar text color
0x000000), # direction text color
text_wrap=(35, # characters to wrap for sugar
0), # no wrap for direction
text_maxlen=(180, 30), # max text size for sugar & direction

# speed up projects with lots of text by preloading the font!
pyportal.preload_font((0x2191, 0x2192, 0x2193))

while True:
value = pyportal.fetch()
print("Response is", value)
except RuntimeError as e:
print("Some error occured, retrying! -", e)

I've put the code up at https://github.com/shanselman/NightscoutPyPortal. I want to get (make a custom?) a larger BDF (Bitmap Font) that is about twice the size AND includes 45 degree arrows ↗ and ↘ as the font I have is just 24 point and only includes arrows at 90 degrees. Still, great fun and took just an hour!

NOTE: I used the Chortkeh BDF Font viewer to look at the Bitmap Fonts on Windows. I still need to find a larger 48+ PT Arial.

What information would YOU display on a PyPortal?

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

The Transitive Property of Friendship - and the importance of the Warm Intro


Too many LinkedIn invitationsPer Wikipedia, "In mathematics, a binary relation ... is transitive if ... element a is related to an element b and b is related to an element c then a is also related to c."

Per Me, if I am cool with you, and you are cool with your friend, then I'm cool with your friend. I've decided this is The Transitive Property of Friendship.

As I try to mentor more and more people and help folks Level Up in tech, I'm realizing how important it is to #BeTheLuck for someone else. This is something that YOU can do - volunteer at local schools, forward that resume for your neighbor, give a Warm Intro to a friend of a friend.

A lot of one's success can be traced back to hard work and being prepared for opportunities to present themselves, but also to Warm Intros. Often you'll hear about someone who worked hard in school, studied, did well, but then got a job because "their parent knew a person who worked at x." That's something that is hard to replicate. For under-represented folks trying to break into tech, for example, it's the difference between your resume sitting in a giant queue somewhere vs. sitting on the desk of the hiring manager. Some people inherit a personal network and a resume can jump to the top of a stack with a single phone call, while others send CV after CV with nary a callback.

This is why The Warm Intro is so important. LinkedIn has tried to replicate this by allowing you to "build your professional network" but honestly, you can't tell if I'm cool with someone on LinkedIn just because they're connected to me. Even Facebook "friends" have changed the definition of friend. It certainly has for me. Now I'm mentally creating friend categories like work colleague, lowercase f friend, Uppercase F Friend, etc.

Here's where it gets hard. You can't help everyone. You also have to protect yourself and your own emotional well-being. This is where cultivating a true network of genuine friends and work colleagues comes in. If your First Ring of Friends are reliable, kind, and professional, then it's safer to assume that anyone they bring into your world has a similar mindset. Thus, The Transitive Property of Friendship - also know as "Any friend of Scott's is a friend of mine." The real personal network isn't determined by Facebook or LinkedIn, it's determined by your gut, your experiences, and your good judgment. If you get burned, you'll be less likely to recommend someone in the future.

I've been using this general rule to determine where and when to spend my time while still trying to Lend my Privilege to as many people as possible. It's important also to not be a "transactional networker." Be thoughtful if you're emailing someone cold (me or otherwise). Don't act like an episode of Billions on Showtime. We aren't keeping score, tracking favors, or asking for kickbacks. This isn't about Amazon Referral Money or Finder's Fees. When a new friend comes into your life via another and you feel you can help, give of your network and time freely. Crack the door open for them, and then let them kick it open and hopefully be successful.

All of this starts by you - we - building up warm, genuine professional relationships with a broad group of people. Then using that network not just for yourself, but to lift the voices and careers of those that come after you.

What are YOUR tips and thoughts on building a warm and genuine personal and professional network of folks?

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Coders: Context Switching is hard for both computers and relationships


Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World

Clive Thompson is a longtime contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and a columnist for Wired and now has a new book out called "Coders."

"Along the way, Coders thoughtfully ponders the morality and politics of code, including its implications for civic life and the economy. Programmers shape our everyday behavior: When they make something easy to do, we do more of it. When they make it hard or impossible, we do less of it."

I'm quoted in the book and I talk about how I've struggled with context-switching.

Here is TechTarget's decent definition of Context Switching:

A context switch is a procedure that a computer's CPU (central processing unit) follows to change from one task (or process) to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict. Effective context switching is critical if a computer is to provide user-friendly multitasking.

However, human context switching is the procedure we all have to go through to switch from "I am at work" mode to "I am at home" mode. This can be really challenging for everyone, no matter their job or background, but I propose for certain personalities and certain focused jobs like programming it can be even worse.

Quoting Clive from an ArsTechnica article where he mentions my troubles, emphasis mine:

One of the things that really leapt out is the almost aesthetic delight in efficiency and optimization that you find among software developers. They really like taking something that's being done ponderously, or that's repetitive, and optimizing it. Almost all engineering has focused on making things run more efficiently. Saving labor, consolidating steps, making something easier to do, amplifying human abilities. But it also can be almost impossible to turn off. Scott Hanselman talks about coding all day long and coming down to dinner. The rest of the family is cooking dinner and he immediately starts critiquing the inefficient ways they're doing it: "I've moved into code review of dinner."

Ordinarily a good rule of thumb on the internet is "don't read the comments." But we do. Here's a few from that ArsTechnica thread that are somewhat heartening. It sucks to "suffer" but there's a kind of camaraderie in shared suffering.

With reference to "Scott Hanselman talks about coding all day long and coming down to dinner. The rest of the family is cooking dinner and he immediately starts critiquing the inefficient ways they're doing it: "I've moved into code review of dinner.""

Wow, that rings incredibly true.

That's good to hear. I'm not alone!

I am not this person. I have never been this person.
Then again, I'm more of a hack than hacker, so maybe that's why. I'm one of those people who enjoys programming, but I've never been obsessed with elegance or efficiency. Does it work? Awesome, let's move on.

That's amazing that you have this ability. For some it's not just hard to turn off, it's impossible and it can ruin relationships.

When you find yourself making "TODO" and "FIXME" comments out loud, it's time to take a break. Don't ask me how I know this.

It me.

Yep, here too 2x--both my wife and I are always arguing over the most efficient way to drive somewhere. It's actually caused some serious arguments! And neither one of us are programmers or in that field. (Although I think each of us could have been.)
From the day I was conscious I've been into bin packing and shortest path algorithms--putting all the groceries up in the freezer even though we bought too much--bin packing. Going to that grocery store and back in peak traffic--shortest path. I use these so often and find such sheer joy in them that it's ridiculous, but hey, whatever keeps me happy.

This is definitely a thing that isn't programmer-specific. Learning to let go and to accept that your partner in life would be OK without you is an important stuff. My spouse is super competent and I'm sure could reboot the router without me and even drive from Point A to Point B without my nagging. ;)

However we forget these things and we tend to try and "be helpful" and hyper-optimize things that just don't need optimizing. Let it go. Let people just butter their damn bread the way they like. Let them drive a mile out of the way, you'll still get there. We tend to be ruder to our partners than we would be to a stranger.

That’s part of the reason why I’m now making all dinners for my family ;-)

LOL, this is also a common solution. Oh, you got opinions? Here's the spatula!

What do YOU think? How do you context switch and turn work off and try to be present for your family?

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Accessibility Insights for the Web and Windows makes accessibility even easier


Accessibility InsightsI recently stumbled upon https://accessibilityinsights.io. There's both a Chrome/Edge extension and a Windows app, both designed to make it easier to find and fix accessibility issues in your websites and apps.

The GitHub for the Accessibility Insights extension for the web is at https://github.com/Microsoft/accessibility-insights-web and they have three trains you can get on:

It builds on top of the Deque Axe core engine with a really fresh UI. The "FastPass" found these issues with my podcast site in seconds - which kind of makes me feel bad, but at least I know what's wrong!

However, the most impressive visualization in my opinion was the Tab Stop test! See below how it draws clear numbered line segments as you Tab from element. This is a brilliant way to understand exactly how someone without a mouse would move through your site.

I can easily see what elements are interactive and what's totally inaccessible with a keynote! I can also see if the the tab order is inconsistent with the logical order that's communicated visually.

Visualized Tab Stops as numbered points on a line segment that moves through the DOM

After the FastPass and Tab Visualizations, there's an extensive guided assessment that walks you through 22 deeper accessibility areas, each with several sub issues you might run into. As you move through each area, most have Visual Helpers to help you find elements that may have issues.

Checking for accessible elements on a web site

After you're done you and export your results as a self-contained HTML file you can check in and then compare with future test results.

There is also an Accessibility Insights for Windows if I wanted to check, for example, the accessibility of the now open-source Windows Calculator https://github.com/Microsoft/calculator.

It also supports Tab Stop visualization and is a lot like Spy++ - if you remember that classic developer app. There were no Accessibility issues with Calculator - which makes sense since it ships with Windows and a lot of people worked to make it Accessible.

Instead I tried to test Notepad2. Here you can see it found two elements that can have keybook focus but have no names. Even cooler, you can click "New Bug" and it will create a new accessibility bug for you in Azure DevOps.

Test Results for Windows apps being checked for accessibility

The Windows app is also open source and up at https://github.com/Microsoft/accessibility-insights-windows for you to explore and file issues! There's also excellent developer docs to get you up to speed on the organization of the codebase and how each class and project works.

You can download both of these free open source Accessibility Tools at https://accessibilityinsights.io and start testing your websites and apps. I have some work to do!

Sponsor: Seq delivers the diagnostics, dashboarding, and alerting capabilities needed by modern development teams - all on your infrastructure. Download at https://datalust.co/seq.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Blocking ads before they enter your house at the DNS level with pi-hole and a cheap Raspberry Pi


Lots of folks ask me about Raspberry Pis. How many I have, what I use them for. At last count there's at least 22 Raspberry Pis in use in our house.

A Pi-hole is a Raspbery Pi appliance that takes the form of an DNS blocker at the network level. You image a Pi, set up your network to use that Pi as a DNS server and maybe white-list a few sites when things don't work.

I was initially skeptical, but I'm giving it a try. It doesn't process all network traffic, it's a DNS hop on the way out that intercepts DNS requests for known problematic sites and serves back nothing.

Installation is trivial if you just run unread and untrusted code from the 'net ;)

curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash

Otherwise, follow their instructions and download the installer, study it, and run it.

I put my pi-hole installation on the metal, but there's also a very nice Docker Pi-hole setup if you prefer that. You can even go further, if, like me, you have Synology NAS which can also run Docker, which can in turn run a Pi-hole.

Within the admin interface you can tail the logs for the entire network, which is also amazing to see. You think you know what's talking to the internet from your house - you don't. Everything is logged and listed. After installing the Pi-hole roughly 18% of the DNS queries heading out of my house were blocked. At one point over 23% were blocked. Oy.

NOTE: If you're using an Amplifi HD or any "clever" router, you'll want to change the setting "Bypass DNS cache" otherwise the Amplifi will still remain the DNS lookup of choice on your network. This setting will also confuse the Pi-hole and you'll end up with just one "client" of the Pi-hole - the router itself.

For me it's less about advertising - especially on small blogs or news sites I want to support - it's about just obnoxious tracking cookies and JavaScript. I'm going to keep using Pi-hole for a few months and see how it goes. Do be aware that some things WILL break. Could be a kid's iPhone free-to-play game that won't work unless it can download an add, could be your company's VPN. You'll need to log into http://pi.hole/admin (make sure you save your password when you first install, and you can only change it at the SSH command line with "pihole -a -p") and sometimes disable it for a few minutes to test, then whitelist certain domains. I suspect after a few weeks I'll have it nicely dialed in.

Sponsor: Seq delivers the diagnostics, dashboarding, and alerting capabilities needed by modern development teams - all on your infrastructure. Download at https://datalust.co/seq.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Your computer is not a black box - Understanding Processes and Ports on Windows by exploring


TCPViewI did a blog post many years ago reminding folks that The Internet is not a Black Box. Virtually nothing is hidden from you. The same is true for your computer, whether it runs Linux, Mac, or Windows.

Here's something that happened today at lunch. I was testing a local DNS Server (more on this on Thursday) and I started it up...and it didn't work.

In order to test a DNS server on Windows, you can go to the command line and run "nslookup" then use the command "server" where is the DNS server you'd like to try out. Go ahead and try it now. Run cmd.exe or powershell.exe and then run "nslookup" and then type any domain name. You should get an IP address.

Given that I was trying to run a DNS Server on localhost:53 (Port 53 is where DNS usually hangs out, just like Port 80 is where Web Servers (HTTP) hang out and 443 is where Secured Web Servers (HTTPS) usually are) I should be able to do this. I'm trying to send DNS requests to localhost:53

C:\Users\scott> nslookup

Default Server: pihole

> server
Default Server: localhost

> hanselman.com
Server: localhost

*** localhost can't find hanselman.com: No response from server
> hanselman.com

Weird, that didn't work. Let me try a DNS Server I know works like Google's public DNS

> server

Default Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com

> hanselman.com
Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: hanselman.com

Ok, it seems my local DNS isn't listening on point 53. Checking the logs of the Technitium local DNS server shows this:

[2019-04-15 23:26:31 UTC] [] [UDP] System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10048): Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketErrorAndThrowException(SocketError error, String callerName)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP)
at DnsServerCore.DnsServer.Start() in Z:\Technitium\Projects\DnsServer\DnsServerCore\DnsServer.cs:line 1234
[2019-04-15 23:26:31 UTC] [] [TCP] DNS Server was bound successfully.
[2019-04-15 23:26:31 UTC] [[::]:53] [UDP] DNS Server was bound successfully.
[2019-04-15 23:26:31 UTC] [[::]:53] [TCP] DNS Server was bound successfully.

The DNS Server's process is trying to bind to TCP:53 and UDP:53 using IPv4 (expressed as localhost with and then TCP:53 and UDP:53 using IPv6 (expressed as localhost using [::]:53) but it seems like the UDP binding to port 53 on IPv4 failed. Weird.

Someone else is listening in on Port 53 localhost via IPv4.

That's weird. How can we find out what ports are open locally?

I can run "netstat" and ask Windows for a list of all TCP/IP connections and the processes that are listening on which ports. I'll also PIPE the results to "clip" which will put it in the clipboard automatically. Then I can look at it in a text editor (or I could pipe it through find or findstr).

You can run netstat --help to get the right arguments. I've asked it to tell me the process IDs and all the details it can.

Active Connections

Proto Local Address State PID



TCP [::]:53 *:* 27456

UDP [::]:53 *:* 27456

Hm, a service is already listening on port 53. I'm running Windows 10, not a Server so it's odd there's already a DNS listener on port 53.

I wonder what service is it?

I can check the Services Tab of the Task Manager and sort by PID. Or can I run "tasklist" and ask directly.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /svc /fi "pid eq 11128"

Image Name PID Services
========================= ======== ============================================
svchost.exe 11128 SharedAccess

That's Internet Connection Sharing, and it's used by Docker and other apps for NAT translation and routing. I can shut it down with the sc (service control) or with "net stop."

C:\WINDOWS\system32>net stop sharedaccess

The Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is stopping.
The Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service was stopped successfully.

Now I can start my DNS Server again (it's written in .NET Core) and I can see with tcpview.exe that it's listening on all appropriate ports.

TCPView showing everything on Port 53

In conclusion, it's a good reminder to refresh yourself on the basics of IPv4, IPv6, how processes talk to/allocate ports, what Process IDs (PIDs) are, and their relationships. Much of this is taught in computer science university courses but if you're self taught or not doing low level work every day it's easy to forget.

Virtually nothing on your computer is hidden from you!

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Exploring DNS with the .NET Core based Technitium DNS Server


Earlier this week I talked about how Your Computer is not a Black Box and I spent time time in TCPView and at the command line exploring open ports on my computer. I was doing this in order to debug an issue with a local DNS server I was playing with, so I thought I'd take a moment and look at that server itself.

The Technitium DNS Server is a personal local DNS server (FOSS on GitHub) written in C# and it runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc. I downloaded the Portable app.

For Windows folks who aren't used to .tar.gz files, remember to "eXtract Zie Files!" with "tar -xzvf DnsServerPortable.tar.gz -C ./TechnitiumDNS/" and it's also worth reminding you all that tar.exe, curl.exe, wget.exe and more are all included in Windows 10 and have been since 2017. If that's too hard, use 7zip.

Technitium DNS is pretty cool, you just unzip/tar it and run start.sh or start.bat and it "just works." Of course, I did have a process already on port 53 - DNS - so I did a little debugging, but that was my fault.

Here's the local web UI that you can use to administer the server locally. You can forward to whatever upstream DNS server you'd like, with the added bonus that the forwarder can be DNS over HTTPS so you can use things like CloudFlare, Google, or Cloud9. Using DNS over HTTPS means your DNS lookups can be secured with DNSSEC and are far more secure and private than regular DNS over UDP/TCP.

Technitium also includes support for DNS Sinkholes (similar to how I use my Pi-Hole) and Block List URLs. It'll automatically download block lists daily and block ads.

Technitium is a lovely .NET Core based DNS Server

It's also educational to try running your own DNS server and it's fun to read the code! The code for Technitium's DNS Server is up at https://github.com/TechnitiumSoftware/DnsServer and is super interesting from a networking perspective, but also from an C# perspective. It's a very interesting example of some .NET Core code at a very low level and I'm thrilled that it works on every operating system.

There's even bash scripts for setting Technitium up on your RaspberryPi or Ubuntu to make it easy. If you are using Windows and don't care about .NET Core you can use the .NET that's included with Windows and Technitum has a Tray app and Installer as well.

Some of the code isn't "idiomatic" C#/.NET Core but it's interesting to read about. The main DnsWebService.cs is pretty intense as it doesn't use any ASP.NET Core routing or primitives. It's a complete webserver written using only System.Net and its own support libraries, along with some of the lower-level Newtonsoft.Json libraries.

The main DnsServer is also quite low level and very performant. It lives in DnsServer.cs. It opens up n sockets (depending on how many ports you bind to) and starts accepting connections here. DNS Datagrams start getting parsed here, right off the stream. The supporting libraries and networking helper code lives over at https://github.com/TechnitiumSoftware/TechnitiumLibrary which is a wealth of interesting and useful code covering BitTorrent, Mail, and Firewall management. There's a ton of OO representations of networking concepts, and all the DNS records are parsed manually.

Technitium has a DNS Server, client, Mac Address Changer, and open source instant messenger. The developer is extremely prolific. They even host a version of "Get HTTPS for free" that works with Windows and makes getting Let's Encrypt certificates super easy.

Anyway, I've been enjoying exploring DNS again and reminding myself not only that it still works great (since I learned about DNS from sniffing packets in networking class) and it's been updated and improved with caches, DNSSEC, DNS over HTTP and more in the years following.

Here I've set my IPv4 DNS to and my IPv6 DNS to ::1, then I run NSLookup and try some domain lookups.

Looking up domains at the command line with nslookup

Again, to be clear, the local DNS server took these lookups and then forwarded them upstream to another server. However, you have the choice for your upstream lookups to be done over whatever protocols you want, you can use Google, OpenDNS, Quad9 (with DNSSEC or without), and on and on.

Are you running your own DNS Server?

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Open Source Artificial Pancreases will become the new standard of care for Diabetes in 2019


Loop is an open source pancreas for iPhoneI've been a Type 1 diabetic for over 25 years. Diabetes sucks. They actually give you an award for staying alive for years on insulin. Diabetics don't usually die of old age, they die of heart disease or stroke, kidney failure, and while they're at it they may go blind, get nerve damage, amputation, and a bunch of other stuff. It used to be a death sentence but when insulin was introduced as a treatment in 1921, there was a chance for something new.

The idea is if you keep your blood sugars close to normal - if you can simulate your non-working pancreas - you'll get hit by an ice cream truck! At least, that's how I hope I go. :)

  • Early on it was boiling big gauge steel needles and pork insulin to dose, and peeing on a stick to get a sense of sugar levels.
  • Then it was a dozen finger pricks a day and a half dozens manual shots with a syringe.
  • Then it was inserted continuous glucose meters and insulin pumps that - while not automatic - mean less invasive treatment and greater control.

Today, we are closing the loop. What's the loop? It's this:

  1. Consider my glucose levels, what I'm about to eat, and what I'm about to to (and dozens of other environmental factors)
  2. Dose myself with insulin
  3. GOTO 1. Every few hours, or every few minutes, depending on the situation.

I do that. Manually. Every diabetic does, and the mental pressure - the intense background psychic weight of it all - is overwhelming. We want to lower the cognitive load of diabetes. This is a disease where you may not live as long if you're not good at math. Literally. That's unfair.

The community is "looping" by allowing an algorithm to make some of those decisions for me.

I've personally been looping with an open source artificial pancreas for over two years. It's night and day from where I started with finger sticks and a half dozen needle sticks a day. It's not perfect, it's not automatic, but Open Source Pancreas are "Tesla autopilot for diabetes." It doesn't always park the car right or stop at every stop light, but it works very hard to keep me in-between the lines and going straight ahead and now that I have it, I can't imagine living without it.

I sleep through the night while my Loop makes tiny adjustments every five minutes to keep my sugars as flat as possible. I don't know about you but my pancreas sits on my nightstand.

It's happening and it can't be stopped

Seven years ago I wrote about The Sad State of Diabetes Technology in 2012. Three years ago The Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2016 and last year The Extremely Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2018. There's a great comment from the first blog post in 2012 where Howard Loop shared his frustration with the state of things. Unlike most commenters on the Internet, amazingly Howard took action and started the Tidepool Organization! Everything in his comment from 7 years ago is happening.
Great article, Scott. You've accurately captured the frustration I've felt since my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with T1D nine months ago. She also wears a pump and CGM and bravely performs the ritual you demonstrate in your video every three days. The technology is so retro it's embarrassing.

It's 2019 and things are really looking up. The open source DIY diabetes community is thriving. There are SEVERAL open pancreas systems to choose from and there's constant innovation happening with OpenAPS and Loop/LoopKit.

  • OpenAPS runs on devices like Raspberry Pi Zeros and is a self-contained pancreas with the communications and brain/algorithm all on the main device.
  • Loop runs on an iPhone and uses a "RileyLink" devices that bridges the RF (Radio Frequency) insulin pump communications with modern Bluetooth.

The first bad part is I am running a 15 year old out of warranty cracked insulin pump I bought on Craigslist. Most new pumps are locked down, and my old pump is the last version that supported remote control. However, the Loop open source project announced support for a second pump this week, the OmniPod Eros. This is the first time an "in warranty" pump has been supported and it also proves the larger point made by the diabetes community. We Are Not Waiting. We want open choice and open data and open choices that put us in control.

Read about the history of Loop by original developer Nate Racklyeft. As he points out, a thing like Loop or OpenAPS is the result of a thousand little steps and innovation by countless community members who are so generous with their time.

The first system to run it was a Raspberry Pi; the code was a series of plugins, written with the help of Chris Hannemann, to the openaps toolkit developed by Ben West in collaboration with Dana Lewis and Scott Leibrand. I’m still in awe of the elegant premise in Ben’s design: a system of repeatable, recordable, and extendable transform commands, all backed by Git. The central plugin of the toolkit is decocare: Ben’s 5-year magnum opus, a reverse-engineered protocol of the Minimed Carelink USB radio to command insulin pumps.

There's an amazing write up by Pete Schwamb, one of the core members of the community who works on Loop full time now,  on how Software Defined Radios have allowed the community to "sniff" the communication protocols of insulin pumps in the RF spectrum and reverse engineer the communications for the Medtronic and now Omnipod Eros Insulin Pumps. It's a fascinating read that really illustrates how you just need the right people and a good cause and you can do anything.

You can watch my video presentation "Solving Diabetes with an Open Source Artificial Pancreas" where I offer an overview of the problem, a number solutions offered over the year, and two open source pancreas options in the form of LoopKit and OpenAPS.

The community members and organizations like Tidepool and the Nightscout Foundation are working with the FDA to take projects and concepts like an open source pancreas system from a threat based on years of frustration to a bright future based on mutual collaboration!

In March, 2018, the FDA announced a de novo iCGM (integrated CGM) designation. A de novo designation is the FDA process for creating new device classifications, in this case moving qualifying CGMs from Class-III, the highest FDA risk classification, to Class-II with Special Controls. The first CGM to get this designation is the Dexcom G6.

Diabetic Xbox AvatarWhat does this mean? It means the FDA is willing to classify continuous glucose meters in a formal way that paves a path towards interoperable devices. Today we hack devices to build these Loops with out-of-warranty pumps. We are doing this utterly on our own. It can take months to collect the equipment needed, get ancient pumps on the gray market, compile the software yourself - which is a huge hurdle for the non-technical.

Imagine a future where someone could buy a supported and in-warranty "iPump," download an officially supported app or package, and start looping! We could have world of open and interoperable devices and swappable algorithms.

In October of 2018 the non-profit Tidepool organization announced its intent to deliver the Loop app as a supported and FDA-regulated mobile app in the Apple App Store! This is happening, people but we are just getting started.

To learn more, start reading.

Also, if you're diabetic, consider buying a Nightscout Xbox Avatar accessory so you can see yourself represented while you game!

Sponsor: Suffering from a lack of clarity around software bugs? Give your customers the experience they deserve and expect with error monitoring from Raygun.com. Installs in minutes, try it today!

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Software Defined Radio is a great way to bridge the physical and the digital and teach STEM


Software Defined Radio AdapterOne of the magical technologies that makes an Open Source Artificial Pancreas possible is "Software-defined Radio" or SDR. I have found that SDR is one of those technologies that you've either heard of and agree it's amazing or you've literally never heard of it. Well, buckle up, friends

There's an amazing write up by Pete Schwamb, one of the core members of the community who works on Loop full time now, on how Software Defined Radios have allowed the community to "sniff" the communication protocols of insulin pumps in the RF spectrum and reverse engineer the communications for the Medtronic and now Omnipod Eros Insulin Pumps. It's a fascinating read that really illustrates how you just need the right people and a good cause and you can do anything.

In his post, Pete explains how he configured the SDR attached to his computer to listen into the 433MHz range and capture the RF (radio frequencies) coming to and from an insulin pump. He shows how the shifts between a slightly higher and slightly lower frequency is used to express 1s and 0s, just like a high voltage is a 1 and a low or no voltage is a 0.

Radio Frequency to 1s and 0s

Then he gets a whole "packet," plucks it out of the thin air, and then manipulates it from Python. Insert Major Motion Picture Programmer Montage and a open source pancreas pops out the other side.

1s and 0s from RF into a string in Python

Lemme tell you, Dear Reader, Hello World is nice, but pulling binary data out of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light is THE HOTNESS.

From a STEM perspective, SDR is more fun than Console Apps when educating kids about the world and it's a great way to make the abstract REAL while teaching programming and science.

You can get a SDR kit for as little as US$20 as a USB device. They are so simple and small it's hard to believe they work at all.

Just plug it in and download Airspy (Formerly SDRSharp, there are many choices in the SDR space). and run the install-rtlsdr.bat to setup a few drivers.

You'll want to run zadig.exe and change the default driver for listening to radio (FM, TV) over to something more low-level. Run it, select "List All Interfaces," and select "Bulk Interface 0"

Updating SDR wtih Zadig

After you hit Replace Driver with WinUSB, you can close this and run SDRSharp.exe.

I've set my SDRSharp to WFM (FM Radio) and turned the Gain up and OMG it's the radio.

Listening to the Radio with SDR

In this pic I'm listening to 91.5 FM in Portland, Oregon which is National Public Radio. The news is the center red line moving down, while the far right is 92.3, a rock station, and 90.7 on the far left is more jazz. You can almost see it!

AdaFruit has as great SDR tutorial and I'll use it to find the local station for National Weather Radio. This is the weather alert that is available anywhere here in America. Mine was Narrow Band (WFM) at 162.550 FM! It was harder to hear but it was there when I turned up the gain.

The weather report

But wait, it's more than radio, it's the whole spectrum!

Here I am sending a "Get Pump Model" command to my insulin pump in the 900Mhz range! The meaty part is in the red.

Talking to an Insulin Pump

Here's the heartbeat and requests that are sent to my Insulin Pump from my Loop app through a RileyLink (BT to RF Bridge). I'm seeing the Looping communications of my Open Source Artificial Pancreas here, live.

Watching RF Pump Communications

Next post or two I'll try to get the raw bits off of the RF signal of something interesting. If you haven't messed with SDR you should really give it a try! As I said before you can get a SDR kit for as little as US$20 as a USB device.

Sponsor: Suffering from a lack of clarity around software bugs? Give your customers the experience they deserve and expect with error monitoring from Raygun.com. Installs in minutes, try it today!

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Did I leave the garage door open? A no-code project with Azure IoT Central and the MXChip DevKit


Azure IoT DevKitFor whatever reason when a programmer tries something out for the first time, they write a "Hello World!" application. In the IoT (Internet of Things) world of devices, it's always fun to make an LED blink as a good getting started sample project.

When I'm trying out an IoT platform or tiny microcontroller I have my own "Hello World" project - I try to build a simple system that tells me "Did I leave the garage door open?"

I wanted to see how hard it would be to use an Azure IoT MXChip DevKit to build this little system. The DevKit is small and thin but includes Wifi, OLED display, headphone, microphone, sensors like temperature, humidity, motion, pressure sensors. The kit isn't super expensive given all it does and you can buy it most anywhere. The DevKit is also super easy to update and it's actively developed. In fact, I just updated mine to Firmware 1.6.2 yesterday and there is an Azure IoT Device Workbench Extension for VS Code. There is also a fantastic IoT DevKit Project Catalog you should check out.

I wanted to use this little Arduino friendly device and have it talk to Azure. My goal was to see how quickly and simply I could make a solution that would:

  • Detect if my garage door is open
  • If it's open for more than 4 minutes, text me
  • Later, perhaps I'll figure out how to reply to the Text or take an action to close the door remotely.

However, there is an Azure IoT Hub and there's Azure IoT Central and this was initially confusing to me. It seems that Azure IoT Hub is a individual Azure service but it's not an end-to-end IoT solution - it's a tool in the toolbox. Azure IoT Central, on the other hand, is an browser-based system with templates that is a SaaS (Software as a Service) and hides most of the underlying systems. With IoT Central no coding is needed!

Slick. I was fully prepared to write Arduino code to get this garage door sensor working but if I can do it with no code, rock on. I may finish this before lunch is over. I have an Azure account so I went to https://azureiotcentral.com and created a new Application. I chose Pay as You Go but it's free for the first 5 devices so, swag.

Create a New Azure IoT Central App

You should totally check this out even if you don't have an IoT DevKit because you likely DO have a Raspberry Pi and it totally has device templates for Pis or even Windows 10 IoT Core Devices.

Azure IoT Central

Updating the firmware for the IoT DevKit couldn't be easier. You plug it into a free USB port, it shows up as a disk drive, and you drag in the new (or alternate) firmware. If you're doing something in production you'll likely want to do OTA (Over-the-air) firmware updates with Azure IoT Hub automatic device management, so it's good to know that's also an option. The default DevKit firmware is fun to explore but I am connecting this device to Azure (and my Wifi) so I used the firmware and instructions from here which is firmware specific to Azure IoT Central.

The device reboots as a temporary hotspot (very clever) and then you can connect to it's wifi, and then it'll connect to yours over WPA2. Once you're connected to Wifi, you can add a new Real (or Simulated - you can actually do everything I'm doing where without a real device!) device using a Device ID that you'll pair with your Mxchip IoT DevKit. After it's connect you'll see tons of telemetry pour into Azure. You can, of course, choose what you want to send and send just the least amount your projects needs, but it's still a very cool first experience to see temp, humidity, and on and on from this little device.

MxChip in Azure

Here's a wonderful HIGH QUALITY diagram of my Garage door planned system. You only wish your specifications were this sophisticated. ;)

Basically the idea is that when the door is closed I'll have the IoT DevKit taped to the door with a battery, then when it open it'll rotate 90 degrees and the Z axis of the Accelerometer will change! If it stays there for more than 5 minutes then it should text me!


In Azure IoT central I made a Device Template with a Telemetry Rule that listens to the changes in the accelerometer Z and when the average is less than 900 (I figured this number out by moving it around and testing) then it fires an Action.

The "Action" is using an Azure Monitor action group that can either SMS or even call me voice!

In this chart when the accelerometer is above the line the garage door is closed and when it drops below the line it's open!

The gyroscope Z changing with time

Here's the Azure Monitoring alert that texts me when I leave the garage door open too long.

Azure Activity Monitor

And here's my alert SMS!


I was very impressed I didn't have to write any code to pull this off. I'm going to try this same "Hello World" later with custom code using a AdaFruit Huzzah Feather and an ADXL345 Accelerometer. I'll write Arduino C code and still have it talk to Azure for Alerts.

It's amazing how clean and simple the building blocks are for projects like this today.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

A new Console for Windows - It's the open source Windows Terminal


"My fellow Windows users, our long national nightmare is over." The Windows Terminal is here, it's open source, it's real, and it's spectacular. It's very early days to be clear, but the new Windows Terminal is open source and it's up at https://github.com/microsoft/Terminal for you to check out.

The repository includes

  • Windows Terminal
  • The Windows console host (conhost.exe) - a local copy that is separate from the built-in Windows one. 
  • Components shared between the two projects
  • ColorTool
  • Sample projects that show how to consume the Windows Console API

And even better, it'll be, as they say:

Windows Terminal will be delivered via the Microsoft Store in Windows 10 and will be updated regularly, ensuring you are always up to date and able to enjoy the newest features and latest improvements with minimum effort.

How do you get it? TODAY you clone the repo and build your own copy. There will be early builds in the Store this summer and 1.0 should be out before the end of the year.

As of today, the Windows Terminal and Windows Console have been made open source and you can clone, build, run, and test the code from the repository on GitHub: https://github.com/Microsoft/Terminal

This summer in 2019, Windows Terminal previews will be released to the Microsoft Store for early adopters to use and provide feedback.

This winter in 2019, our goal is to launch Windows Terminal 1.0 and we’ll work with the community to ensure it’s ready before we release!

So today, yes, it'll take some effort if you want to play with it today. But good things are worth a little effort. Here's some of the things I've done to mine. I hope you make your Windows Terminal your own as well!

Windows Terminal

When you click the menu, check out Settings, which will open your profile.json in your JSON editor. I use VS Code to edit. You'll need to run Format Document to make the JSON look nice as today it may show up on one line.

You can create color profiles in the "schemes" node. For example, here's my "UbuntuLegit" color theme in my profiles.json.


"name": "UbuntuLegit",
"foreground": "#EEEEEE",
"background": "#2C001E",
"colors": [
"#4E9A06", "#CC0000", "#300A24", "#C4A000",
"#3465A4", "#75507B", "#06989A", "#D3D7CF",
"#555753", "#EF2929", "#8AE234", "#FCE94F",
"#729FCF", "#AD7FA8", "#34E2E2", "#EEEEEE"

Here's an example profile with all the settings I know about set. This is for "CMD.exe"

"profiles": [

"startingDirectory": "C:/Users/Scott/Desktop",
"guid": "{7d04ce37-c00f-43ac-ba47-992cb1393215}",
"name": "DOS but not DOS",
"colorscheme": "Solarized Dark",
"historySize": 9001,
"snapOnInput": true,
"cursorColor": "#00FF00",
"cursorHeight": 25,
"cursorShape": "vintage",
"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"fontFace": "Cascadia Code",
"fontSize": 20,
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85,
"useAcrylic": true,
"closeOnExit": false,
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"icon": "ms-appdata:///roaming/cmd-32.png"

I like the "vintage" cursor and I make it bright green. I can also add icons in this location:


So I put some 32x32 PNGs in that folder and then I can reference them as seen above with ms-appdata://

Cool Icons

I'll go into more detail about what's happening in each of these profiles/tabs in the next post! I've got a few creative ideas for taking MY Windows Terminal to the next level.

"defaultProfile": "{7d04ce37-c00f-43ac-ba47-992cb1393215}",

"initialRows": 30,
"initialCols": 120,
"alwaysShowTabs": true,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
"experimental_showTabsInTitlebar": true,
"requestedTheme": "dark",

Here I've set the theme to dark using "requestedTheme" even though I run Windows in a light theme. I'm setting the tabs to be shown all the time and moved the tabs into the TitleBar.

Here's my Ubuntu tab with the UbuntuLegit color theme above:

Nice Ubuntu Colors

Notice I'm also using Powerline in my prompt. I'm using Fira Code which has the glyphs I need but you can certainly use patched Powerline fonts or make your own fonts with tools like those from Nerd Fonts and it's font patcher. This font patcher is often used to take your favorite monospace font and add Powerline glyphs to it.

NOTE: If you see any weird spacing issues with glyphs you might try using --use-single-width-glyphs to work around it. By release all these little issues I assume will be worked out. I had no issues with Fira Code in my case, your mileage may vary.

This new Windows Terminal is great. As mentioned, it's super early days but it's amazingly fast, runs on your GPU (the current conhost runs on your CPU) and it's VERY configurable.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

An experiment - The Azure Cloud Shell at the command line with AZ SHELL


I've blogged before about the Azure Cloud Shell. It's super cool and you can get your own easily in any browse by hitting https://shell.azure.com. You can have either bash or powershell, and you get a shared "cloud drive" that is persisted between sessions.

If you have Visual Studio Code you can get an Azure Cloud Shell integrated within VSCode by just installing Visual Studio Code and adding the Azure Account Extension.

I recently got a build of the new open source Windows Terminal on my machine and I set up some profiles with tabs for DOS, PowerShell, VS2019, Ubuntu but something was missing. Why can't I get my Azure Cloud Shell?

Sure, I can fire up a VM and ssh into it. But Azure Cloud Shell spins up a free container with a persistent cloud drive AND has a bunch of developer tools like python, node, dotnet, and go already installed. I'd love to use it! But it's not a VM and the container isn't exposed with SSH. Instead, we'll want to spin the Azure Cloud Shell up the same way the https://shell.azure.com site does, with web calls and web sockets. So...why not do it?


I thought I was pretty clever when I had this idea so I started a C# implementation myself. Then I talked to Anders Liu from work about how to do it right, and over the weekend he beat me to it with his own VERY nice and clean implementation in Go that he put on his github at https://github.com/yangl900/azshell. We shared this on an internal alias and found out that Noel Bundick had the same great idea and put it in his Az CLI extensions pack (which has a ton of other cool stuff you should see). Anders' is standalone and Noel's is an Az CLI extension.

Either way, we all together think this idea has merit and maybe it should be an official thing! What do you think? Regardless maybe it doesn't need to be since you can try it today with these open source options.

Just put "azshell.exe" in your PATH and make sure you have the latest Azure CLI installed and you're logged in.

By the way, you can also get a Cloud Shell inside the Portal. In fact there's a button for it at the top that looks like >_ Personally I think with the addition of "az shell" (or in this case, azshell.exe) from the command line) it completes the circle in a really cool way.


Let me know what you think in the comments!

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Systems Thinking as important as ever for new coders


Two programmers having a chatI was at the Microsoft BUILD conference last week and spent some time with a young university student who came prepared. I was walking between talks and he had a sheet of paper organized with questions. We sat down and went through the sheet.

One of his main questions that followed a larger theme was, since his class in South Africa was learning .NET Framework on Windows, should he be worried? Shouldn't they be learning the latest .NET Core and the latest C#? Would they be able to get jobs later if they aren't on the cutting edge? He was a little concerned.

I thought for a minute. This isn't a question one should just start talking about and see when their mouth takes them. I needed to absorb and breathe before answering. I'm still learning myself and I often need a refresher to confirm my understanding of systems.

It doesn't matter if you're a 21 year old university student learning C# from a book dated 2012, or a 45 year old senior engineer doing WinForms at a small company in the midwest. You want to make sure you are valuable, that your skills are appreciated, and that you'll be able to provide value at any company.

I told this young person to try not to focus on the syntax of C# and the details of the .NET Framework, and rather to think about the problems that it solves and the system around it.

This advice was .NET specific, but it can also apply to someone learning Rails 3 talking to someone who knows Rails 5, or someone who learned original Node and is now reentering the industry with modern JavaScript and Node 12.

Do you understand how your system talks to the file system? To the network? Do you understand latency and how it can affect your system? Do you have a general understanding of "the stack" from when your backend gets data from the database makes anglebrackets or curly braces, sends them over the network to a client/browser, and what that next system does with the info?

Squeezing an analogy, I'm not asking you to be able to build a car from scratch, or even rebuild an engine. But I am asking you for a passing familiarity with internal combustion engines, how to change a tire, or generally how to change your oil. Or at least know that these things exist so you can google them.

If you type Google.com into a browser, generally what happens? If your toaster breaks, do you buy a new toaster or do you check the power at the outlet, then the fuse, then call the neighbor to see if the power is out for your neighborhood? Think about systems and how they interoperate. Systems Thinking is more important than coding.

If your programming language or system is a magical black box to you, then I ask that you demystify it. Dig inside to understand it. Crack it open. Look in folders and directories you haven't before. Break things. Fix them.

Know what artifacts your system makes and what's needed for it to run. Know what kinds of things its good at and what it's bad at - in a non-zealous and non-egotistical way.

You don't need to know it all. In fact, you may dig in, look around inside the hood of a car and decide to take a ride-sharing or public transport the rest of your life, but you will at least know what's under the hood!

For the young person I spoke to, yes .NET Core may be a little different from .NET Framework, and they might both be different from Ruby or JavaScript, but strings are strings, loops are loops, memory is memory, disk I/O is what it is, and we all share the same networks. Processes and threads, ports, TCP/IP, and DNS - understanding the basic building blocks are important.

Drive a Honda or a Jeep, you'll still need to replace your tires and think about the road you're driving on, on the way to the grocery store.

What advice would you give to a young person who is not sure if what they are learning in school will serve them well in the next 10 years? Let us know in the comments.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Introducing the Try .NET Global Tool - interactive in-browser documentation and workshop creator


Learn .NET or easily author your own workshopIf you find yourself learning C# and .NET and come upon the "Run your first C# Program" documentation you may have noticed a "Try the code in your browser" button that lets you work through your first app entirely online, with no local installation! You're running C# and .NET in the browser! It's a great way to learn that is familiar to folks who learn JavaScript.

The language team at Microsoft wants to bring that easy on-ramp to everyone who wants to learn .NET.

The .NET Foundation has published a lot of free .NET presentations and workshops that you can use today to teach open source .NET to your friends, colleagues, or students. However these do encourage you to install a number of prerequisites and we believe that there might be an easier on-ramp to learning .NET.

Today we're announcing that on ramp - the Try .NET global tool!

Here's the experience. Once you have the .NET SDK - Pick the one that says you want to "Build Apps." Just get the "try" tool! Try it!

  • Open a terminal/command prompt and type dotnet tool install --global dotnet-try

Now you can either navigate to an empty folder and type

dotnet try demo

or, even better, do this!

ACTION: Clone the samples repo with
git clone https://github.com/dotnet/try -b samples
then run
"dotnet try"
and that's it!

NOTE: Make sure you get the samples branch until we have more samples!

C:\Users\scott\Desktop> git clone https://github.com/dotnet/try -b samples

Cloning into 'try'...
C:\Users\scott\Desktop> cd .\try\Samples\
C:\Users\scott\Desktop\try\Samples [samples ≡]> dotnet try
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: C:\Users\scott\Desktop\try\Samples
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Now listening on: https://localhost:5001

Your browser will pop up and you're inside a local interactive workshop! Notice the URL? You're browsing your *.md files and the code inside is runnable. It's all local to you! You can put this on a USB key and learn offline or in disconnected scenarios which is great for folks in developing countries. Take workshops home and remix! Run an entire workshop in the browser and the setup instructions for the room is basically "get this repository" and type "dotnet try!"

Try .NET interactive local documentation

This is not just a gentle on-ramp that teaches .NET without yet installing Visual Studio, but it also is a toolkit for you to light up your own Markdown.

Just add a code fence - you may already be doing this! Note the named --region there? It's not actually running the visible code in the Markdown...it's not enough! It's compiling your app and capturing the result of the named region in your source! You could even make an entire .NET interactive online book.

### Methods

A **method** is a block of code that implements some action. `ToUpper()` is a method you can invoke on a string, like the *name* variable. It will return the same string, converted to uppercase.
``` cs --region methods --source-file .\myapp\Program.cs --project .\myapp\myapp.csproj
var name = "Friends";
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name.ToUpper()}!");

And my app's code might look like:

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
#region methods
var name = "Friends"
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name.ToUpper()}!");

Make sense?

NOTE: Closing code fences ``` must be on a newline.

Hey you! YOU have some markdown or just a readme.md in your project! Can you light it up and make a workshop for folks to TRY your project?

Code Fences within Markdown

Here I've typed "dotnet try verify" to validate my markdown and ensure my samples compile. Dotnet Try is both a runner and a creator's toolkit.

Compiling your workshop

Today "dotnet try" uses .NET Core 2.1 but if you have .NET Core 3 installed you can explore the more complex C# samples here with even more interesting and sophisticated presentations. You'll note in the markdown the --session argument for the code fence allows for interesting scenarios where more than one editor runs in the context of one operation!


I'd love to see YOU create workshops with Try .NET. It's early days and this is an Alpha release but we think it's got a lot of promise. Try installing it and running it now and later head over to https://github.com/dotnet/try to file issues if you find something or have an idea.

Go install "dotnet try" locally now, and remember this is actively being developed so you can update it easily and often like this!

dotnet tool update -g dotnet-try

There's lots of ideas planned, as well as the ability to publish your local workshop as an online one with Blazor and WASM. Here's a live example.

Watch for an much more in-depth post from Maria from my team on Thursday on the .NET blog!

Sponsor: Suffering from a lack of clarity around software bugs? Give your customers the experience they deserve and expect with error monitoring from Raygun.com. Installs in minutes, try it today!

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Using the Steam Link app to stream PC Games directly to your iPhone or mobile device


Steam Link on iOSI think that we, as an industry, are still figuring game streaming out. It's challenging to find that sweet spot between quality and frames per second, all while respecting the speed of light and the laws of physics.

That said, if you have a a rock solid 5Ghz wireless network, or better yet, a solid wired network, you can do some pretty cool stuff today.

You can use the Xbox app on Windows 10 to stream from your Xbox One to your PC. I use this to play on my Xbox while I walk on my treadmill in my garage. Works great even on my comparatively underpowered Surface Pro 3.

You can also do the opposite if you have a powerful PC. You can run the Xbox Wireless Display app and remote your PC to your Xbox.

I also have a Steam Link - it's odd to me that they discontinued this great little device - that I use to stream from my PC to my big TV. However, if you have a Raspberry Pi 3 or 3B+ running Stretch, you can try a beta of Steam Link and effectively make your own little Steam Link dedicated device. Bonus points if you 3D Print a replica case to make it look like a Steam Link.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install steamlink

Today, however, Steam Link was released (after a rejection) to the Apple iOS App store so I had to try this out from my iPhone XS Max. I also have a Steam Controller, which, while weird (i.e. it's not an Xbox Controller) is the most configurable controller ever and it can emulate a mouse pretty well when needed. They released a new Firmware for the Steam Controller that enabled BLE support which allows it to be used as an MFi controller on an iOS device. You do need to memorize or write down the incantations to switch between original RF mode and BLE mode, though.

Aside: MFi is almost criminally neglected and a Apple has utterly dropped the ball and missed an opportunity to REALLY make iOS devices more than casual gaming devices. Only in the last few years have decent MFi Controllers been released and game support is still embarrassingly spotty. I've used my now-discontinued SteelSeries Stratus a handful of times.

You install the app, pair your controller with your iOS device/phone/tablet, then test your network. I'm using an Amplifi Mesh Network so I can control how my devices connect to the network, I can manage band selection, as well as Quality of Service (QoS) so I didn't have any trouble getting 55 Mb/s from my wired computer to my wireless iPhone.

Steaming bandwidth test successful up to 55 Mb/s

Steaming bandwidth test successful up to 55 Mb/s

The quality is up and down as it appears they are focused on maintaining a high framerate. Here's a captured local video of me playing Batman from my high end rig streaming to Steam Link on my iPhone.

What has been YOUR experience with Game Streaming?

Sponsor: Suffering from a lack of clarity around software bugs? Give your customers the experience they deserve and expect with error monitoring from Raygun.com. Installs in minutes, try it today!

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.

Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything


DevContainer using RustOK, that's a little clickbaity but it's surely impressed the heck out of me. You can read more about VS Code Remote Development (at the time of this writing, available in the VS Code Insiders builds) but here's a little on my first experience with it.

The Remote Development extensions require Visual Studio Code Insiders.

Visual Studio Code Remote Development allows you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment. It effectively splits VS Code in half and runs the client part on your machine and the "VS Code Server" basically anywhere else. The Remote Development extension pack includes three extensions. See the following articles to get started with each of them:

  • Remote - SSH - Connect to any location by opening folders on a remote machine/VM using SSH.
  • Remote - Containers - Work with a sandboxed toolchain or container-based application inside (or mounted into) a container.
  • Remote - WSL - Get a Linux-powered development experience in the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Lemme give a concrete example. Let's say I want to do some work in any of these languages, except I don't have ANY of these languages/SDKS/tools on my machine.

Aside: You might, at this point, have already decided that I'm overreacting and this post is nonsense. Here's the thing though when it comes to remote development. Hang in there.

On the Windows side, lots of folks creating Windows VMs in someone's cloud and then they RDP (Remote Desktop) into that machine and push pixels around, letting the VM do all the work while you remote the screen. On the Linux side, lots of folks create Linux VMs or containers and then SSH into them with their favorite terminal, run vim and tmux or whatever, and then they push text around, letting the VM do all the work while you remote the screen. In both these scenarios you're not really client/server, you're terminal/server or thin client/server. VS Code is a thick client with clean, clear interfaces to language services that have location transparency.

I type some code, maybe an object instance, then intellisense is invoked with a press of "." - who does that work? Where does that list come from? If you're running code locally AND in the container, then you need to make sure both sides are in sync, same SDKs, etc. It's challenging.

OK, I don't have the Rust language or toolkit on my machine.

I'll clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-remote-try-rust

Then I'll run Code, the Insiders version:

C:\github> git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-remote-try-rust   

Cloning into 'vscode-remote-try-rust'...
Unpacking objects: 100% (38/38), done.
C:\github> cd .\vscode-remote-try-rust\
C:\github\vscode-remote-try-rust [main =]> code-insiders .

Then VS Code says, hey, this is a Dev Container, want me to open it?

There's a devcontainer.json file that has a list of extensions that the project needs. And it will install those VS Extensions inside a Development Docker Container and then access them remotely. This isn't a list of extensions that your LOCAL system needs - you don't want to sully your system with 100 extensions. You want to have just those extensions that you need for the project you're working on it. Compartmentalization. You could do development and never install anything on your local machine, but you're finding a sweet spot that doesn't involved pushing text or pixels around.

Reopen in Container

Now look at this screenshot and absorb. It's setting up a dockerfile, sure, with the development tools you want to use and then it runs docker exec and brings in the VS Code Server!


Check out the Extensions section of VS Code, and check out the lower left corner. That green status bar shows that we're in a client/server situation. The extensions specific to Rust are installed in the Dev Container and we are using them from VS Code.


When I'm typing and working on my code in this way (by the way it took just minutes to get started) I've got a full experience with Intellisense, Debugging, etc.

Intellisense from a container running Rust and VS Code Remote Containers

Here I am doing a live debug session of a Rust app with zero setup other than VS Code Insiders, the Remote Extensions, and Docker (which I already had).

Debugging in VS Code a Rust app within a DevContainer

As I mentioned, you can run within WSL, Containers, or over SSH. It's early days but it's extraordinarily clean. I'm really looking forward to seeing how far and effortless this style of development can go. There's so much less yak shaving! It effectively removes the whole setup part of your coding experience and you get right to it.

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

© 2018 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.
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