My blog and all the sites in and around it are a mix of .NET 2.0, 3.5 and 4. This blog engine is currently .NET 3.5 and runs at, but the application at (the root) is .NET 4.
You can happily mix and match applications across .NET versions on a single IIS instance. You can see how mixed my system is in the screenshot at right there.
However, things got messy when I changed the parent / application to .NET 4, but kept the child /blog as .NET 3.5 (the 2.0 CLR). I got lots of errors like
- Unrecognized attribute ‘targetFramework’. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. The targetFramework attribute was inherited from the root .NET 4 Web.config file in the Default Web Site root using ASP.NET configuration inheritance and confused the /blog .NET 2 application.
I didn't want to change the /blog applications' web.config. I just wanted to stop it from inheriting the settings from the parent application. Turns out you can wrap whole sections in a location tag, and then tell that scoped tag to prevent child applications from inheriting.
What you do is change the parent .NET 4 app's web.config to indicate its settings shouldn't flow down to the children, like the .NET 2/3.5 /blog app.
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
...your system.web stuff goes here
You can actually read about this in detail in the ASP.NET 4 "breaking changes" documentation. Of course YOU read those closely, don't you? ;)
I chose to change this settings for all of System.Web, but you could do it on a per-section basis if you preferred.
Hope this helps you!
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