Don't Check Your Email in the Morning
In my productivity talk "How to Scale Yourself and Get More Done Than You Thought Possible" I include a challenge to the listener. It's kind of insane, but it's actually proven very useful to me when I...
View Article"Simply terrible advice" - If the shoe pinches, don't wear it.
There's few things that get me too riled up when it comes to advice. I love hearing about other people's lives and their life systems. From the mundane and familiar, like how they pack their kids...
View ArticleFear Driven Development - FDD
I had an interesting chat recently at a conference in the "hallway track." The hallway track is all the great conversations that happen in the hallway between sessions. What drives your development...
View ArticleHow do you deal with anxiety when Live Coding in Technical Interviews?
I received this question last week from a reader:I've been a developer since 2005. I'm a solid developer with good experience. I've got a great opportunity for a new position coming up but I'm...
View ArticleiOS8 3rd Party Keyboards Reviews - SwiftKey and Swype
I've been running iOS8 for a while now in Beta, and today all my iDevices are running the released iOS 8. One of the most anticipated new features is the ability to create and add 3rd party keyboards....
View ArticleJump-Location - A Change Directory (CD) PowerShell Command that reads your mind
There's a lovely little utility called autojump for *nix consoles that makes the 'cd' command very smart. More that just auto-completion, it's a kind of "auto guessing." Hence, autojump. There is some...
View ArticleTowards a better console - PSReadLine for PowerShell command line editing
Sometimes textmode is where it's at. I've long blogged about tools and techniques that will make your Windows console experience better. Perhaps you're a *nix person who is using Windows in your day...
View ArticleHow do I set different wallpapers for each monitor in Windows?
I wanted a different wallpaper (or "screensaver," for the non-technical relatives, because I know you call desktop wallpaper that) for each of my multiple monitors in Windows. To start changing your...
View ArticleInception-Style Nested Data Formats
Dan Harper had a great tweet this week where he discovered and then called out a new format from IBM called "JSONx.""JSONx is an IBM standard format to represent JSON as XML"Oh my. JSONx is a real...
View ArticleWindows 10 gets a fresh command prompt and lots of hotkeys
Much has been written and much will be written about the Windows 10 announcement. Windows 10, because 7 8 9.— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) September 30, 2014I'm pretty stoked, and am playing with the...
View ArticleCan you trust your browser extensions? Exploring an ad-injecting chrome...
My perspective on JavaScript-based browser extensions has been far too naïve until this point. We were all burned by bad toolbars or evil ActiveX add-ons in the past, so when I run IE I run it with no...
View ArticleAutomating the tedious parts of open source on Azure
Contributing to Open Source is a great way to get involved in community. Usually it's as simple as making your contribution, but when you start getting involved with larger projects at larger...
View ArticleHanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: September 5th, 2014
I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can...
View ArticlePlex for Xbox One is here and my life is complete - Plus Synology setup how-to
I love my Synology NAS, and I love Plex. I also love my Xbox One. Finally, today these three things are working together to give me a lovely unified view of my media library.I have a Synology 1511 (the...
View ArticleUsing a Surface Pro 3 full time for two months
Back in August I posted my initial impressions of a Surface Pro 3 after using it for a week or so. I paid for the Surface Pro 3 with my own money and have been using it as my primary machine ever...
View Article100 Technical Things Non-Technical People Can Learn To Make Their Lives Easier
My lovely wife has an MBA, speaks 5 languages, and is currently in school to get a third (fourth?) degree. Point is, she's smarter than me (I? See?) and I'm lucky she even speaks to me. However, she's...
View ArticlePut yourself out there and publish that Open Source project today
It's a leap of faith to put your code out there. You have to have tough skin sometimes. Mean people will say it's crap. Many years ago (93-94?) I worked on a piece of software called FoolProof Desktop...
View ArticleVideo: My non-technical partner tries Windows 10 for the first time
You may have watch my YouTube series on being an effective user of Windows 8 and 8.1. I've made a short URL for you to give to your friends and family It'll take you to a...
View ArticleI'm stuck in someone's for loop
This is a rant. More and more I'm finding myself using mobile devices, often on my iPhone, but also desktop applications in Windows and I'll push a button and find myself, as user, stuck inside your...
View ArticleBuilding a working Robot controlled by a C#, an iPhone, and Monkey.Robotics
This year at Xamarin's Evolve there was a Robot Building area that introduced a new beta platform called Monkey.Robotics (GitHub). There is a disclaimer on the GitHub: "Monkey.Robotics is still a...
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