This blog post is likely not for you, unless it totally is. Which is why I'm posting it.
My Dad's Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro was driving him batty for months. It was bugging me even more, as I am the assigned IT manager for my family. I'm sure you are also, as you're reading this blog, right?
Anyway, I talk this computer up for months, he gets the computer, and it has this tiny Micro-HDMI connector.
Let me just say that Micro-HDMI is the most evil of all display connectors. I mean, it literally does everything wrong.
Micro-HDMI sucks because:
- Micro-HDMI looks like Micro USB and I can't explain to my Dad that they are different.
- Micro-HDMI is the most fragile of all ports. If you blow on it you'll lose signal.
- It's like the tiny shorty soda pop can of Tab. It's not Diet Coke. It's not enough. It's useless.
Which brings me to the point. His didn't work. Never worked. I tried new drivers, flashing BIOS, new cables, jiggling the connector, everything.
Except the obvious - cutting up the cable.
It turns out that many cables (especially cheap ones from Amazon) don't expose enough metal to make a decent connection.
Take a razor blade and cut a good millimeter around the cable's rubber housing to expose more metal.
Boom. It works immediately. Dad's thrilled. I'm a good son again and Micro-HDMI continues to suck as a display connector.
Full-sized HDMI or Mini-DP (Display Port) from now on, my friends.
Please, regale me in the comments with tales of why YOU too hate Micro-HDMI, Dear Reader.
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