There aren't enough funny developer talks in my opinion. Lots of you folks are so funny in person and when I got to conferences or just have lunch we laugh and laugh. As with all niches or cliques, we're all part of a little club of inside jokes and shared stories.
It's always weird to get lots of comments on my technical talks. Many are positive, but sometimes I'll get one like "your not funy!" or "stop joking and start coding." Well, I realize my brand of edutainment isn't for everyone.
That said, this talk is happily content-free. If you hate my jokes, you may ignore it. ;)
Many years ago I did some local open mics and stand up, although I've never really put together a tight hour of material. I'm less of a stand up and more of a storyteller. Anyway, I got signed up for a talk in Holland last week called "Coding 4 Fun" but didn't prepare anything. I was already signed up for 6 other talks and had already presented 3 times by the time I showed up on stage at the 7pm "geek night" session.
There were a bunch of people there almost an hour early so I just sat on the end of the stage and we chatted. It was great fun. Next thing we knew, the guy was recording the video and the room was filling up.
So, I talked and told stories and chatted my co-workers and friends on IM for a while, the showed some community built NuGet packages. The only think I wish is that you could see the audience in this video. They were fun and engaged and silly.
Big thanks to Glenn Block and Clemens Vasters for sitting in the front row and playing along, and to Damian Edwards, Tim Heuer and Phil Haack for being silly over IM.
A lot of the jokes are in the IM or the code, so if you can't see them (even though I zoom in) with smooth streaming, download a higher res version so you can see them.
Coding for Fun with Scott Hanselman recorded in Holland in April of 2011
- High Quality WMV (PC, XBox, MCE)
- Medium Quality WMV (Lo-band, Mobile)
- High Quality MP4 (iPad, WP7)
- MP4 (iPod, Zune HD)
I hope you enjoy. Maybe one day I will put together a real act of "stand up for developers."
© 2011 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.