I have a "whenever I get around to doing it"Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.
You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can sign up here Newsletter of Wonderful Things or just wait and get them later on the blog, which hopefully you have subscribed to. Email folks get it first!
Here's the most recent newsletter that I sent out April 24th.
Thanks again for signing up for this experiment. Here's some interesting things I've come upon recently. If you forwarded this (or if it was forwarded to you) a reminder: You can sign up at http://hanselman.com/newsletter and the archive of all previous Newsletters is here.
Remember, you get the newsletter here first. This one will be posted to the blog as an archive in a few weeks.
- Did you know NerdCore is a musical style? Of course you did, and you appreciate it. I know you'll dig Dale O. Chase's new album "TypeDef." Be sure to explore the lyrics, they are brilliant. You can listen online for free and name your price.
- Great presentation deck from Garann Means about what happens when developers become a collection of tropes.
- What happens when you wring out a wet towel whilst in space?
- Wonderful 60's era documentary on YouTube about how the Pirates of the Caribbean came to be.
- How to make YOUR open source project really awesome.
- I enjoy reading Young Adult Fiction. It's my pulp. Easy to read and relaxing. Here's a good list of the (kind of) latest.
- "A web designer walks into a bar, but immediately leaves in disgust upon noticing the tables layout."
- So you're a web designers who loves CSS but you also love the British. Why not http://spiffingcss.com/?
- Comedian Patton Oswalt filibusters on Parks and Recreation.
- Here's a cute animation that shows all of Star Wars in just one minute! Fun for the kids.
- Thinking of getting a new fancy smart watch? There's nearly 40 years of history behind them.
- Do you love Sriracha hot sauce? Here's the guy behind it.
- This guy has .NET running on a $35 Raspberry Pi.
- I love charts, graphs and visualizations. I like stacked bar charts, so how about Flame Graphs?
- Tearable cloth simulation in raw JavaScript, thereby cementing that I have NO idea what I'm doing.
- Sometimes the best packaging is the most clever, but not the most expensive.
- Of the 100 richest people in the world, 8 had no family money nor a degree. How did they do it?
- Finally, don't forget that the free community-organized DotNetConf is streaming live the 25th and 26th. Videos will be recorded and available.
(BTW, since you *love* email you can subscribe to my blog via email here: http://feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman DO IT!)
P.P.S. You know you can forward this to your friends, right?
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