In the long process of upgrading this blog and moving it to Azure I've been slowly fixing small bugs and also dealing with the dozens of microsites I have hanging off of Some were forgotten, and some just keep chugging along. is one of them.
BabySmash is a silly WPF app I wrote 15 years ago for my baby, natch. He's now learning to drive a car, but it still gets thousands of downloads a month. The code is on Github.
The ClickOnce application and manifests hangs off of, but the /setup.exe returns a 404.
I had assumed that using this simple code in my Startup.cs's Configure() method would enable static files like setup.exe:
This was naive I suppose as ASP.NET Core is very much locked down by default so you are really encouraged to be specific and there are few unsafe defaults.
UseStaticFiles includes a parameter for options, so I needed to update the list of mappings from extension to mime/type. So this little helper function:
private StaticFileOptions GetStaticFileOptions()
var p = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
p.Mappings[".exe"] = "application/octect-stream";
return new StaticFileOptions { ContentTypeProvider = p };
and then you pass that StaticFileOptions class into UseStaticFiles.
Clearly a "secure by default" decision, but also one that's easily extended for my needs.
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